The Life Resource Group
Helping people plan for a better life

Most couples can talk to each for hours about the most intimate things. Yet those same couples are very uncomfortable talking about money. Financial disagreements can make or break a relationship, and keeping your partner in ignorance can be dangerous to your wealth!

What you can do:

    Understand your partner's financial goals and habits before you set up housekeeping.
    Review your finances together on a regular basis.
    Know the details of your partner's job benefits and insurance package, even if you're not covered.
    Make separate lists of your assets and know where they're kept.
    Document what each partner contributes financially to the relationship.
    Work together for the future. Develop a long-term plan that includes a budget, savings, special goals and retirement.
    Understand your partner's financial goals and habits before you set up housekeeping.
    Review your finances together on a regular basis.
    Know the details of your partner's job benefits and insurance package, even if you're not covered.
    Make separate lists of your assets and know where they're kept.
    Document what each partner contributes financially to the relationship.
    Work together for the future. Develop a long-term plan that includes a budget, savings, special goals and retirement.
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